Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cut the Frog's Leg

Hey... I have changed my blog's layout. Huohoho... 
However, it's not completed yet. 
I still have to fight with HTML for three pages.

There was a practicum about muscle in biology class last year. Horrible? Of course!
I was give up when teacher ordered us to looking for a frog. Yuck!
Luckily, my team mate - Rafika - brought it for us.
I didn't know what my classmates were thinking, but they were look very happy in this task.

My school has rules that students not allowed to active their electronic stuff while class is running.
But I couldn't resist my self to bring camera to laboratory. So, when the teacher got busy, I took some photos.

My Lab Coat.

This was a frog and I hate it.

This was our frog which in cutting. Ganang sliced it without saw the frog, Rafika's finger almost cut off. So bloody frog...

And then Apri came to show his dissected frog.

My Turn : Stripped the leg.

Hanging over the pole.

It's crazy... it's crazy... I hope you don't cut a frog's leg like my team :K


priskanggrita said...

omigot omigot eeh sumpe top gue ngilu liat videonya pas kakinya di cutter-in gitu uuuh T^T

Anne G said...

aaahhh! i've done this too! &guru gue lebih parah aja gitu kris kodoknya masih hiduuupppp :___(( &temen sekelompok gue psycho malah di kerjain itu kodok -.-'

redChipp said...


jadi ingt masa sekolah duluu,..
tp tetep aja ngilu ngeliatnya,. :))